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Donate to PCYC NSW
and help young people reach their potential 

Empowering Young People To Reach Their Potential

PCYC NSW has been a cornerstone of youth advocacy since 1937, when we opened our first club in Woolloomooloo, Sydney.

We offer life-changing diversionary youth programs that support youth development and prevent crime, programs including Fit for Life, Fit for Work, GRIT and U-NITES, amongst others.

Our doors are always open to anyone in need.


PCYC is a values-based organisation. We aim to make an impact with the many life changing programs we deliver and the health and well-being benefits to the communities we serve. We work with over 60,000 youth members every year, and we’re particularly focused on those at-risk.

Through PCYC-specific programs, crime prevention, vocational training, and social responsibility initiatives, we help change the life outcomes of over 130,000 young people annually.

As we enter the holiday season, we are seeking your support to continue providing these life-changing programs across all of our clubs in NSW. With your donation, we can ensure that our clubs remain a safe haven for youth across NSW, offering opportunities to grow, learn, and thrive.

Donate to PCYC’s end of year appeal today and help transform the lives of youth in your community.

PCYC is a life changing youth charity. Our programs and activities create opportunities for young people to realise their potential. Since 1937 PCYC has worked in partnership with community and Police to empower young people.

PCYC is a charity. We fund nearly 90% of our operations through club activities, contestable grants, and donations from generous people like you who care about our youth.

We need your help to fund the life changing programs that transform the lives of thousands of young people in 66 locations around New South Wales.